Changing Education Paradigms

    Every country on earth at the moment is reforming public education. There are two reasons for it. The first one is economic - people trying to work out how we educate our children to take their place in economies the 21st century. Given that we can’t anticipate what economy will look like at the end of next week. The second is cultural. Every country on earth on earth is trying to figure out how we educate our children so that they have a sense of cultural identity and so that we can pass on the cultural genes of communities while being part of the process of globalization. The problem is they’re trying to meet the future by doing what they did in the past and on the way that alienating millions of kids who don't see any purpose in going to school. When we went to school, there was a story which is a child has worked hard and did well got a college degree. Many nowadays won’t agree to it.  You’re better having a degree than not but it’s not a guarantee anymore that you get a job particularly if it doesn’t teach us a few important things which we should have learnt. The problem is that the current system education was designed and conceived and structured for different age.
Schools are organised on factory lines, ringing bells, separate facilities, specialized in two separate subjects. We still educate children by batches. We put them through the system by age group. Why do we do that? The most important thing kids have in common is how old they are you. It’s not the most important about the day of manufacture. There are kids who are much better than other kids the same age in different disciplines or different times the day or bettering smaller groups. It is the need of the hour to stop the production line mentality and standardization procedures.

    We need to believe it on exact opposite direction that’s what I mean about changing the paradigm. Divergent thinking isn't the same thing as creativity. The definition of creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value.  Divergent thinking isn't a synonym but it’s an essential capacity for creativity. It’s the ability see lots of possible ways to answer a question and interpret it.  In various longitudinal studies, it is observed that a child has the ability to interpret a question in many different ways as compared to a teenager and much more capability than an adult. We are told don't look and don't copy because that's cheating mean outside schools that's called collaboration in international schools. This is because teachers want it this way it just because it happens that way. It's because it in the gene pool education have to think differently about human capacity we have to get over this whole conception of academic, non-academic abstract, theoretical, vocational. We need to understand and recognize that most great learning happens in groups the collaboration is the stuff of growth. If the atomized people in separate theming judge them separately we form a kind of disjunction between them and the natural learning environment. It’s crucially about the culture of our institutions the habits and institution and the habitats that they occupy.
    The nation needs an education system that excites and stimulates children, providing them with the learning they need - and deserve - to fulfil their potential.  This means providing a curriculum of practical and vocational learning alongside theoretical study.  This need for change has never been more pressing.  It is not due to the fault of any individual, any school or even any one political party but due to the simple fact the world has changed - and our education system has not changed fast enough.  Indeed, it is largely based on a system developed over a century ago; a factory manufacturing model where children are placed on a learning conveyor belt, then sorted, packaged and labelled according to their so-called intelligence.
    We must recognise that young people are individuals with different talents and dreams.  As such, not all children learn in the same way.  We need to move towards a system of mass customisation, based on a strong common core of essential skills and knowledge, which allows young people to develop their own particular talents and aspirations. We must support young people in discovering what they enjoy and are good at - and who they want to be in life.  And we must encourage and support teachers and schools in responding to these different needs.  Young people will learn if they see learning as important, meaningful and worthwhile. 

    The seeds of change are sprouting - but they won’t automatically grow.  For them to flourish they need to be recognised and nurtured.  They need the support of the nation; from parents, to young people and the government.

“The function ofeducation is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically.Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.”Martin Luther King, Jr.


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