Save the Internet - Net Neutrality
The Internet is so big, so powerful and pointless that for some people it is a complete substitute for life.  The internet allows people all over the world to connect and exchange information freely. Recently, there is a whole new concept of net neutrality which is viral over the internet

What is net neutrality??

Save the Internet - Net Neutrality
It’s important for access to knowledge, services and free speech, as well as freedom and ease of doing business online, for this access to be neutral
Net Neutrality is about:
– All content is equal and content should be easily accessible
– No telecom-style licensing of Internet companies
– No gateways
– No speeding up of specific websites  
– No “zero rating” or making some sites free over others  

The condition of Net Neutrality in India

What do you do when you need to access the internet? We generally buy a data pack or buy a monthly pack from your ISP provider, then use it in your smartphone, laptop or PC and start browsing.  What if your telecom service providers give access to some sites like Facebook, Flipkart, Amazon and others for free and for others you need to buy a newer pack. The other sites would be eventually very slower and you will be forced to browse only certain sites. Telecos in india want the option of doing just that. As of 2015, India has no laws governing net neutrality, which would promise all the internet users to be treated equally on the internet, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or mode of communication. There have already been a few violations of net neutrality in India by some service providers.
The debate on network neutrality in India started after Airtel, a mobile telephony service provider in India, announced in December 2014 to charge additional rates for making voice calls (VoIP) from its network using apps like WhatsApp, Skype, etc.
Telecom operators/ISPs are access services providers, and can control either how much you access, what you access, how fast you access and how much you pay to access content and services on the Internet. They want to change the way internet is accessed in India. In April 2015, Airtel announced the "Airtel Zero" scheme. Under the scheme, app firms sign a contract and Airtel provides the apps for free to its customers.

What further?

Save the Internet - Net Neutrality
Due to intense lobbying by telecom operators like Airtel and Vodafone, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) is planning to allow them to block apps and websites to extort more money from consumers and businesses — an extreme violation of net neutrality. In March 2015, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) released a formal consultation paper on Regulatory Framework for Over-the-top (OTT) services, seeking comments from the public. TRAI has released a consultation paper with 20 questions spread across 118 complicated pages and wants you to send them an e-mail by 24th of April, 2015. The consultation paper was criticized for being one sided and having confusing statements. It received condemnation from various politicians and Indian internet users. By 14 April 2015, over 3,00,000 emails had been sent to TRAI demanding net neutrality.

What can we do?

Let’s join the fight for net neutrality. Let’s remind TRAI that their job is to protect the rights of consumers, not the profit margins of telcos. Let’s demand access to the free, open internet. Onternet is probably the last place where each and every one is equal. The internet is the most essential requirement for the future irrespective of the future. After US and Brazil, it is the chance for India to adopt Net Neutrality and progress at a much larger pace.
Log on to, type your name and email address and with just 2 clicks, you can send an email to TRAI. Do tell your friends to do the same.





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